I waited too long and missed it on the bigger cinema screens.
Two days ago me and my homeboy Jasp went for a "middle-of-the-day-movie-break" and saw Watchmen. It blew me away!
At first I was a bit dissapointed by the later half of the movie, but all and all when I think about it
the first part (or rather the first 3/4 part) of the flick weighs up the ending.
Best thing is the deep dive into all of the characters in the movie and you feel the realness of that each hero name is a person.
Favourite character is the brutal but charming "Comedian".
Next up for me is to see the mini series of Watchmen that I got from my boy Gusto down in Helsingborg and of course to read the graphic novel. Big up Alan Moore!
So, if you loved 300 like I did you'll definetly like this one.

Av alla filmer som är baserade på serietidningar/böcker så tycker jag detta är den som följer storyn från orginalet mest. Precis lika grym som serieboken!